We will be meeting in Dover for this one, on swimmers’ beach.
Find out full information about our Chilli Dip series here.
Disclaimer for new swimmers is here.
You can book through our booking system or scroll to the bottom of this page for direct access. Please book even if you have already paid for a season ticket so that we know how many to expect.
We have special Chilli Dipper badges available too - why now show off your Chilliness?!
What’s involved?
This isn’t training. It is a social dip. If you literally want to get in and out that is fine with us. If you want to swim a little longer, that’s fine too. We will cap the duration based on the water temperature and conditions. We’ll aim to support up to the appropriate polar bear challenge distance if conditions permit.
We’re not going to be facilitating long & heroic cold swims.
You should limit your swims to your ability, erring on the side of caution.
What can you wear?
Basically anything you want. If you want to wear a wetsuit or gloves & socks then that’s cool with us. You can wear multiple hats if you want. If you want to do head up breaststroke with a bobble hat, that is fine too, we do ask that everyone wears a swimming cap though.
You can wear any hat colour, please make it a bright colour.
We’ll have safety swimmers in the water and safety cover on the beach. We’ll be counting and watching all swimmers at all times. The safety briefing will advise you of the swim boundaries and we ask you to stay within these. You’ll also be advised of any other features that you should be aware of.
What else?
All swimmers will need to have signed the annual disclaimer. If you’ve already done that this year, there’s no need to do it again.
I’m afraid there are no new (to us) swimmers at this session. We need to do a swim assessment and the colder water temperatures are not the place for that to take place. April is the next opportunity for new swimmers to join us.
Single session (paid online): £6
Single session (paid on beach): £7
Badge: £5